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Delivery F.A.Q.
Vessel Relocation
First step  - Duration - Passengers - Safety - Weather  - Rates - Payment


What do I do first?


Great question! Your delivery starts with booking a time to meet or have a phone call


If possible, we'll meet at your boat to discuss the delivery and conduct a brief vessel inspection. I'll answer any questions you may have and I'll make you a list of any recommended improvements and equipment. 


If we decide we'd like to work together, you'll receive an email from me containing the next steps, including the vessel assessment and an estimate for the voyage. 


Get the ball rolling with a free consultation!



How long will the delivery take?


It varies widely, mostly depending on the speed of the vessel. I aim to maintain an average of 60% of the hull speed for a sailboat or cruising speed for a powerboat. Then it's a calculation of the distance divided by the speed, times a margin of 1.5. This gives us a pretty good ballpark estimate of the upper end of expenses and time required.



How do we handle weather delays?


Once we've established a general timeframe, I'll begin monitoring the predicted conditions for the route. I will keep you in the loop daily until departure, and multiple times per day as possible during the delivery. As you might guess, weather and mechanical issues are the most common causes of delays. I'll make the best use of the conditions we have, but the final say on voyage continuation rests with me. 



Can I, the owner, come along, or bring other people on the delivery?


Usually yes! I only ask that we have a frank conversation about expectations, abilities, roles, and responsibilities, and reach an agreement together.



Who makes decisions related to the safety of the vessel and crew?​


The captain. â€‹That said, anyone who's aboard that has a concern is encouraged to speak up and maintain their position on the matter regardless of the decision of the captain. Anyone, at any time, is welcome to request disembarkment at the nearest port if they do not feel safe.


Do I need insurance?


You do need to have liability insurance at a minimum. If you've met your marina's requirements, you are probably covered. I require that I be added to your boat insurance as an additional insured or operator or captain prior to getting underway. Depending on your insurance company, this can be done online or with a phone call. Your carrier may request my experience and driver’s license number; this information is included in my maritime résumé, which you may share with your insurance company. Feel free to have them call me if needed.


If your insurance carrier charges you for this ask them if they have an annual allowance for training or deliveries. Many policies have an exception of 40 hours underway annually for an additional insured instructor or captain at no cost. 



What are your rates?
Add 3% to the below rates for credit card payments, and using business transactions with PayPal or Venmo.

Short answer

Captain: up to $1200 per day + expenses

Crew: up to $600 per day + expenses


Long answer

Deliveries can be dynamic projects and sometimes involve time spent in port simply waiting for weather or parts. With that in mind, I offer two different rates depending on how time is being spent.


On-duty Time

Licensed Captain: $100 per hour, up to $1200 per day

Unlicensed Crew: $50 per hour, up to $600 per day


On-duty time applies to the performance of all activities contributing to the progression of the delivery, including but not limited to: all time spent underway, route planning, sourcing parts, effecting repairs, fueling, pumping out, cleaning, provisioning, etc. 


The on-duty rate will only be applied to the first 12 hours of on-duty time per day. Days start at midnight in the timezone of the port of origin.


Standby Time

Licensed Captain: $50 per hour, up to $600 per day

Unlicensed Crew: $25 per hour, up to $300 per day


Standby time is any time not underway AND not directly contributing to the progression of the delivery, but where the crew is nonetheless unable to return to their homes. A typical example is awaiting weather or repairs in a port along the delivery route.


The standby rate applies only to the first 12 hours of standby time per day. Days start at midnight in the timezone of the port of origin.



On-duty and standby time may be combined to a maximum of $1200 and $600 for Captain and Crew, respectively. 



Expenses include, but are not limited to:  travel, provisions, parts, fuel, slip fees, etc, will be billed in addition to the above rates.



I offer a total of 5 free hours of travel time to be used towards getting myself and the crew to the port of origin and from the port of destination to our respective homes. Travel time exceeding 5 hours is billed at the standby rates.


The on-duty billing clock stops once the vessel is secured and can be left unattended at its final destination. Typically, the travel clock starts then. 



How do I pay?


Prior to departure

I will provide you with an estimate for the expected duration of the delivery, including a margin for possible delays and expenses. 50% of this estimated amount is required prior to getting underway.


Upon Completion of Delivery

Once the vessel is secured at the final destination, I'll send an updated invoice, which will include any additional incurred expenses plus any balance of the actual billable hours. Delivery completion is determined solely by the captain and payment is due within 48 hours of delivery completion.


Upon Completion of Travel

If any unexpected travel expenses are incurred returning the crew back home, a final invoice for expenses will be sent once the crew completes their travel. However, whenever possible, travel expenses will be included in the Completion of Delivery invoice. 


How to pay

I accept cash as well as electronic payment via virtually every platform (Paypal, Apple Pay, Venmo, Zelle, credit cards, etc).


Please add 3% to credit card payments.


Please don't hesitate to contact me at with any questions or comments.

How This Works
First step


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